Developer Guide

System Requirements

Before you start, make sure you have the following applications and their minimum versions installed, in addition to Node.js and yarn (as mentioned earlier):

  • Node.js 18.0.0 or later
  • Yarn 3.0.2 or later
  • macOS, Windows (including WSL), and Linux are supported.

Get Started


  • Clone the forked repository and open the created directory
$git clone<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>/revert.git
>cd revert
  • Install dependencies


Copy the example env file in packages/backend folder.

$cp packages/backend/.env.example packages/backend/.env
># Update this .env file with your own secrets if you'd like to.PgSql and redis are must.

Fern setup

  • Login with Fern with fern login.

  • To generate Fern drive code locally, run yarn fern in the root folder of this repo. This will create the packages/backend/generated folder with the generated code.

Fern setup fails

If yarn fern fails to succeed, here are some temporary solutions.

  • Try running yarn fern in wsl.

  • Install fern-api globally in wsl.npm i -g fern-api will install fern-api globally in wsl and then in the root of this project run fern generate.

  • Try dual booting your windows machine to ubuntu or any other linux distribution and setup the project their.

  • Try to change the internet network.For eg: if you were using mobile network,try using another mobile network/different sim and try to run yarn fern in wsl multiple times.

These solutions are not permanent, and there is no guarantee that they will work reliably in all situations.Order is not important,any one of them may work for you.

Setup Redis

  • Have a redis instance running locally or use to get a redis url.

  • Update the redis url in .env.A redis url looks like this redis://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<database> . Use rediss instead of redis if you use a secure connection over TLS/SSL in redis.

Setup PostgreSQL

  • Install PostgreSQL on the system before seeding the database with sample data

  • Refer for instructions.

  • Get a PostgreSQL url and update it in .env A pgsql url looks like this postgresql://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<database>

Applying Existing Migrations

  • Apply the existing migrations to sync the database with sample data with the schema.
$ yarn workspace @revertdotdev/backend migration:dev

Seed the database

  • Seed the database with sample data
$yarn workspace @revertdotdev/backend db-seed

Running the API locally

  • Backend service locally at :4001
$yarn workspace @revertdotdev/backend dev


Copy the example env file in packages/client folder.

$cp packages/client/.env.example packages/client/.env
># Update this .env file with your own secrets if you'd like to.Clerk publishable key is must.

Generate a Tunnel URL

  • First, generate a tunnel URL using ngrok http <4001 or YOUR_SERVER_PORT>

  • Copy this URL to your clipboard as you’ll need it in the next steps.

Configure Clerk Webhook Endpoint

  • Access your Clerk dashboard (Sign up on if you have not already).

  • Navigate to the webhook settings.

  • Ensure that the webhook endpoint is set to <Tunnel_Url>/clerk/webhook

  • Ensure that you are listening to the user.created event by ticking the userobject under Message Filtering

Sign Up in Your Application

  • Run yarn dev:all in the root of this repo(Your backend must be setup).

  • Go to localhost:3000 and sign up.

  • In your Clerk webhook dashboard, click on your webhook endpoint,go to logs and filter by user.created and you will see a new user created.Enter inside it and copy the content.

Testing Clerk Webhook with Postman

To verify that Clerk is sending user creation notifications to your endpoint, you can use Postman for testing.

  • Open Postman and create a new request.

  • Set the HTTP method to POST.

  • In the request’s URL field, use http://localhost:4001/clerk/webhook. This is the endpoint Clerk will send webhook events to.

  • In the request body, paste the user.created object that you copied from your Clerk dashboard.